Sunday, December 12, 2010

Taken from Walking through - A Road called Life a Poem.

On the road called life, as I walk through,
Filled with flowers of many a hue,
Thorns and thistles and shrubbery too,
Filling my path, with surprises new!

Long is the road, well lit sometimes,
When a friend comes in like a beacon of light,
Darkness shrouds it, as the night falls,
With troubles and thorns, playing their part!

An inspiring word would be all we need,
A simple smile, will happiness breed,
An extended hand, a helping gesture,
Would make this world, infinitely better!

But sullen faces are all I see,
Divisions of races, clans and spaces,
Each fighting the other,
Like brother against brother.

Is love so hard a thing to share?
Is it rare to find it here?
Give it and it shall return to you,
Doubled, multifold is all I knew!

I acquainted a thorn, on the way,
It pierced my feet and drew out blood,
My feet hurt not, but my heart,
That is still, the bleeding part.

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